Hotwire and Stimulus for Javascript sprinkles
Following up my on previous Hotwire article, now we’re going to take a look at Stimulus: the component responsible for adding behavior to your pages without bloating them with Javascript.
Stimulus controllers
Stimulus is a Javascript framework, intended to be used as a tool to add the little sprinkles every web app needs.
The building blocks of a Stimulus application are the controllers. Controllers are Javascript objects that are connected to HTML elements using tag annotations. Stimulus constantly monitors new elements on the page looking for a specific attribute to match for a corresponding controller. When it finds one, an instance of the controller is created and then connected to the element on the DOM.
As you’ll see, Stimulus follows the Convention over Configuration practice. This alone can help to reduce the amount of boilerplate code one needs to write. Most naming conventions will be self-explanatory, once we go through the examples.
Controllers allow us to:
- Respond to user interaction with action callbacks
- Read, write and monitor elements
- Access data attributes on elements to store values, keeping state in the DOM
Other highlights:
- Controllers are small, re-usable javascript components
- They are not supposed to be used for templates rendering: it’s preferable to keep this task to the backend. So every time a new chunk of HTML is needed, it should be fetched from the server
- Whenever possible, the state is kept within the DOM, and not on Javascript objects
- The binding between controllers and the HTML elements are set using declarative tags
- Lifecycle hooks are provided to allow initialization of each controller instance
Show me the code
I’m a big fan of learning by examples, so let’s jump right into the code. Consider the following HTML snippet, taken from the official guidebook:
<div data-controller="hello">
<input data-hello-target="name" type="text">
<button data-action="click->hello#greet">Greet</button>
Things to notice here:
- A data attribute
indicates Stimulus should create an instance of the default class in hello_controller.js and bind it to the<div>
element - The
attribute tells that this element should be bound to the controller’s scope so that we can access his value later - The
attribute assigns thegreet()
method as an action callback to be called when the<button>
element gets clicked
Now the corresponding Stimulus controller:
// src/controllers/hello_controller.js
import { Controller } from "stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "name" ]
greet() {
const element = this.nameTarget
const name = element.value
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`)
What is happening:
- The
property declares that Stimulus must look for elements within the controller’s scope, which have a data attributedata-hello-target
with a value of"name"
. This element is going to be placed in a property callednameTarget
- When the button is clicked, the
method is called and value of the input field is printed to the console
Another example: slide-show
Consider another example extracted from the official guidebook, a slide-show application:
<div data-controller="slideshow" data-slideshow-index-value="1">
<button data-action="slideshow#previous"> ← </button>
<button data-action="slideshow#next"> → </button>
<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🐵</div>
<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙈</div>
<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙉</div>
<div data-slideshow-target="slide">🙊</div>
The first difference you’ll notice here is the presence of a new data attribute on the root <div>
: data-slideshow-index-value
. It’s used to keep the index of the currently selected slide. More on this later.
We also have a whole bunch of HTML with all slides already in place. But if you’re working with Turbo, these slides could also be lazily loaded Turbo Frames. Notice that the target value "slide"
is used in multiple elements. No “IDs” are needed in any of the divs.
The corresponding controller:
import { Controller } from "stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "slide" ]
static values = { index: Number }
next() {
previous() {
indexValueChanged() {
showCurrentSlide() {
this.slideTargets.forEach((element, index) => {
element.hidden = index != this.indexValue
A lot is going on here, so let’s break it up.
Targets property
We can see a different usage of the targets
property. Because there’s more than one element with the "slice"
value, an additional property slideTargets
(plural) was used to iterate through them. Stimulus creates a total of 3 properties for each target:
- slideTarget: contains the first matched element
- slideTargets: contains all matching elements
- hasslideTarget: a boolean indicating if there’s a matching element
Values property
Besides the targets
property, there’s a second special property called values
. It’s used to denote that Stimulus should look for a data attribute named data-slideshow-index-value
that will contain a value with the Number
type. After found, this value will be automatically cast to the type specified (Number), and stored in a property called indexValue
This can be used both to allow the backend to pass in some initial values to the controller, but also as a storage to keep state. Stimulus will keep the property on the controller object and the data attribute on the HTML element in sync.
Value change callback
Another difference in this example is the usage of the special method called indexValueChanged()
. Stimulus will look for methods following this name convention and call them automatically when the value of the attribute changes. We can see this happening in the next()
and previous()
methods, which modify indexValue
and causes the triggering of the callback. The callback then calls showCurrentSlide()
method to update the slide visible on the screen.
Final thoughts
As mentioned in the project’s guidebook, Stimulus is a framework with very modest ambitions. It provides a set of tools and practices to help us build the frontend of our applications, enforcing the separation of content and behavior. This tool couples very well with Turbo to assist developers in crafting dynamic web applications, keeping the focus on simplicity.
This article covered just a first glimpse at Stimulus’s usage, but I highly recommend reading the official documentation, as it covers each aspect of the framework more deeply, and explains in more detail the reasoning behind the design decisions.
In the next posts, I’ll be creating a full-featured simple app to demonstrate how Turbo and Stimulus can be used together to build a real application.